By acoustics, we mean how sound sounds within a room. This space can be very small, for example a bell cell or focus room, or very large, for example a sports hall, auditorium or factory and everything in between, for example, office gardens and classrooms.
The most important measure of good acoustics is, of course, whether users find the space pleasant to work and stay in. In addition, standards and guidelines have been drawn up for certain spaces and users.
In order to find a good solution to a problem with acoustics, it is important to know:
What exactly is the problem? And, Who is affected by that?
Reverberation time measurement with accompanying advice:
It is wise to have an acoustic measurement carried out. Then you know exactly where you stand and you can remedy many problems.
In a reverberation time measurement, we measure how long the room takes to absorb 60dB of noise. With this value, in combination with the dimensions and all the (acoustic) materials available, we provide customized advice. In this advice, we include how much acoustic material of what quality should be added to which positions to achieve the desired, comfortable reverberation time in the room.
Together with our customers (and their advisors), we discuss the various options for products that comply with the advice.
Once the choice has been determined and the products meet the acoustic and visual (look & feel) needs, they are installed and assembled by our own team of professionals.
If desired, we will provide a post-measurement after assembly and installation so that the effect of the acoustic improvements can be objectively confirmed.
Contact us today to help you reach your acoustic goals.