
Couch screens, disinfection dispensers and door handles!

Floris Hollander
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In order to allow people to work safely in the office, many great solutions have sprouted like mushrooms in the past “corona months”. With exotic names such as cough screen, disinfection dispenser and door handle hook.

1001 solutions to make your office corona-proof! But which one works?

The corona measures are becoming increasingly flexible. More and more people are taking the step of working from home back to the office. But still in moderation and at an appropriate distance.

In order to allow people to work safely in the office, many great solutions have sprouted like mushrooms in the past “corona months”. With exotic names such as cough screen, disinfection dispenser and door handle hook.

In this article, we list the most effective solutions for you:

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Loop zone signing: show how people can walk through the office by signing. Assume one-way traffic as much as possible. These are often floor stickers or signposts. See examples

Safe zone signing: use tape or large floor circles, for example, to indicate how employees can keep to the 1.5 meter distance. See examples

Desk pads: desk placemats made of paper that you can (should) refresh every day. After a working day, these disappear into the paper bin and you use a fresh one the next day.

Desk screens: transparent or closed panels between desks. Can be placed directly on the desk or attached to existing desk panels. See examples

Counter screens: transparent panels especially for counters and receptions. Easy to place on any type of counter and provided with handy recesses to give something to each other. See examples

Room dividers: these partitions divide your office into safe zones. The room dividers can be provided with lettering or visuals. Both transparent and dense. See examples

Clean Hands Dispensers: place dispensers at strategic locations where employees can disinfect their hands with disinfecting soap. See examples

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Half of the workplaces must remain empty
Out research it appears that due to the required distance between employees alone, half of the workplaces should remain empty. The total number of places is declining even further, because desks can no longer be shared on the same day. With the new standards, one fixed workplace per employee is required that also needs to be cleaned thoroughly every day.

Plexiglass or tempered glass
Even in times of crisis, it is important to pay attention to the environment. For example, do you need desk screens? Then choose the durable tempered glass instead of plexiglass. Due to the huge demand for plexiglass, prices are currently comparable! Tempered glass is also a good choice when safety is an important factor. Especially in places where people come together and where the screens have to endure a lot. For example, places such as offices, shops, restaurants, public spaces, (dental) doctor's offices and terraces.

The Akoesta range
Akoesta has a assortment with effective products designed to help employees keep a distance of 1.5 meters in the office. Discover Innovative Solutions for Couch Screens and Hygiene Products.

Door handle hook?
A nice scrabble word but what is it really?
A door handle hook is a contactless door opener and can be used to press a lift button, pull a drawer or use a door handle, for example. An effective addition to the corona range.

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Want to know more about acoustics and happy spaces? Then take contact with us.

Download the special brochure with ready-to-use solutions for social distance in the office. Or check out the special page with the complete range

Read what measures required in the office in the 1.5 meter economy.

We also have good solutions for temporary treatment rooms, COVID units and workplaces!

Also read how to get a a nice place to work at home you can create!

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