How to have a good working day from home
No traffic jams, perfect coffee and you can work undisturbed: working from home sounds ideal at first glance. But how do you make sure you use your time wisely and avoid working inefficiently?

No traffic jams, perfect coffee and you can work undisturbed: working from home sounds ideal at first glance. But how do you make sure you use your time wisely and avoid working inefficiently?
With the practical tips below, you can do a lot from home.
Start early
Of course, it is very tempting to sleep in, but that does ensure that you are immediately behind the facts. Get up at your normal time and get started quickly. Extra advantage: if you start earlier (after all, you're not stuck in traffic), you can also stop a little earlier.

Make a list
Start with a list of things to do that you want to finish that day and stick to it. By making a clear plan, you give your day structure and are less likely to be distracted.
Provide provisions
Nothing more annoying than finding out in the middle of the day that you don't have lunch in the house. Check in advance that you have enough food and drink at home, so you don't also have to go to the supermarket.
Not in your pajamas
The fact that you work from home does not mean that you go to work unwashed in your home suit. In fact, when you maintain your normal morning rhythm, you feel a lot more energetic and sharp.

Take a break from time to time
It may seem very productive to keep working and have a quick sandwich at your laptop, but that's really a myth. By pausing, you can recharge and then get back to work refreshed and focused. Don't go Netflix during the break but take a walk outside.
A working day from home is a working day!
Think of a work-from-home day as a real day at work. If friends in the neighborhood know you're working from home, a lunch appointment can be made quickly. Very nice, of course, but that comes at the cost of your working day! The same goes for that full laundry basket or dishwasher!
Ensuring a good workplace
Sitting on the couch with your laptop on your lap all day is not an ideal situation. Create a good workplace with a good chair and table with plenty of space. This is better for your body and it certainly benefits your work. Of course, don't forget to think about acoustics. Does something need to be done about the acoustics? A panel of acoustic material on the back of the wall often works wonders! And that looks great too!