Erasmus College

Down with the cacophony in the school building

Erasmus College

Erasmus College is a secondary school in the Dutch municipality of Zoetermeer, founded in 1970. It is a collaborative school and dalton school for secondary education in the Zoetermeer district of Palenstein, sandwiched between the Australiëweg and the Randstadrail. The school offers MAVO, HAVO, athenaeum and gymnasium levels. In 2019, 1,733 students are enrolled in education at Erasmus College.


A school is ideally a place where there is a cacophony of sound because of the number of students who are in the auditorium at the same time, for example. For school management, it was essential to create an acoustically comfortable environment for teachers and students.

The solution

Akoesta has installed a number of acoustic solutions in the Erasmus College Zoetermeer building; wall panels that are perfect for use in schools. The wall panels have an excellent acoustic effect and ensure optimal sound attenuation. We used visuals, but in some places we also opted for blank panels that match the atmosphere of the room in question.

The numbers


Acoustic panels with visual

>40 m2

Plain acoustic panels


Action shots of teachers and students at the coffee machine

The 3 big ones

  1. More rest in the auditorium
  2. Fewer background noises
  3. Better intelligibility for students and teachers

How are the acoustics in your building?

Many workplaces in the Netherlands do not comply with the noise standard. Users often don't know how bad the acoustics are because they've gotten used to it. This often results in (physical) complaints such as headache, stress and concentration problems. One good acoustics can prevent this. The specialists at Akoesta are happy to help you with personal advice and, if necessary, with an acoustic measurement.

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