
Turnover and acoustics: The surprising link

Floris Hollander
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Did you know that good acoustics not only increase comfort and job satisfaction, but also the turnover within your company? Acoustic solutions that reduce noise pollution provide a productivity increase of four to ten percent.

Did you know that good acoustics not only increase comfort and job satisfaction, but also turnover within your company? Really? Really! Acoustic solutions that reduce noise pollution provide a productivity increase of four to ten percent. And where people work in a concentrated way, money is earned. What does this give you? We figured it out for you.

Negative effect of noise pollution

No less than sixty percent (!) of all employees in the Netherlands say they experience noise pollution in the work environment. Bad acoustics are often recognisable, but the link is not made with this. Issues such as headache, dizziness, irritations, stress and distraction are then not linked to an acoustic problem. A shame, because a simple acoustic adjustment not only increases the well-being of your employees, but also the turnover of your company.

Net effect of acoustics

Research shows that good acoustics leads to less absenteeism, more satisfied employees and higher turnover. Errors due to loss of concentration, irritations and stress in the workplace are drastically decreasing. What does this give you 'quanto costa'? This depends on the type of workspace and the nature of the work. But with logical thinking alone, we can achieve a positive result at the bottom of the line.

Tailored solution

Fortunately, acoustics isn't rocket science. Smart solutions, such as acoustic panels on existing furniture, improve the acoustics of your office in the blink of an eye. As we mentioned above, each room has a unique set of acoustics. That's why we'd love to come by for a 'QuickScan', a measurement at your office, free of charge. We then scan the room for disturbing noise factors. This gives you insight into acoustic opportunities that increase your turnover.

Also curious about what good acoustics do for your turnover? Then feel free to contact us. We are here for you!

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