
Troubled workplace? Take an acoustic measurement

Floris Hollander
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Many workplaces in the Netherlands do not meet the noise standard. Unnoticed, it can result in stress, dropout, absence and concentration problems. It is therefore wise to have an acoustic measurement carried out at your workplace.

Many workplaces in the Netherlands do not meet the noise standard. Due to habituation, employees often do not realize that the acoustics leave much to be desired. Unnoticed, it can result in stress, dropout, absence and concentration problems. It is therefore wise to have an acoustic measurement carried out at your workplace. Then you know exactly where you stand and you can solve many problems.

Insight with an acoustic measurement
An acoustic measurement gives you a good insight into the acoustic situation and helps you find the acoustic balance and acoustic comfort of each room. Acoustic measurement takes into account the specific application of the room, because each type of space has its own acoustic standards. And if you know how the acoustics are doing and have a good overview of the situation, you can adequate acoustic improvements apply. And that leads to satisfied employees who can work productively in a pleasant and comfortable workplace.

Acoustics: not just in a concert hall
Many people often think of “acoustics” as a concert hall or a recording studio. But everyone has to deal with it every day. In the office, at school, in restaurants, in public areas and even at home. Of course, it's nice that you can have a relaxed conversation where you can hear each other well. But good acoustics also mean more productivity in the office, better concentration at school and less stress at your workplace. Each space or situation has its specific properties and applications. Different standards apply in a concert hall than in a restaurant. A classroom, an office garden, a call center or a company canteen also each have their own characteristics and acoustic standards.

What does an acoustic measurement measure?
The most important variables that determine the acoustic experience in a room are the reverberation time and the noise levels that occur. When determining the acoustic property of a room, it is important to measure the reverberation time. The reverberation time is closely related to the total surface area of what is present sound-absorbing material and its acoustic properties. But also with the way in which the material is distributed in the room. The noise levels that occur as a result of many sources of noise (e.g. people walking and talking, moving chairs) are primarily dependent on the amount of absorption. An acoustic measurement is a measurement that you take beforehand before acoustic adjustments have been made. This is the baseline measurement. To assess the effect of the acoustic improvements To make it objectively transparent, it is also possible to carry out an after-measurement.

The measurement report includes the following items
After the acoustic measurement, there is a measurement report. This measurement report consists of the following parts:
- Explanation of acoustic parameters and the target values used
- Information about the measurement and methodology carried out
- All data from the acoustic measurement performed
- Assessment of room acoustics
- Advice on possible provisions.

Do you also want insight into the acoustic situation at your workplace? Then take contact join us!

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